If you are looking for some direction to assist you with speech development in children, you have come to the right place.
Katrina can assess and offer speech therapy for a large range of difficulties.
Offering face to face sessions, programs to do at home, and regular support for families living in remote or overseas locations.
If you are a mother, father or family member looking for information about speech pathology for children our website will cover basic information based on all things about Speech Pathology.
Katrina offers the following services
Assessment and therapy services for children up to 16yrs of age, to help with,
- unclear speech, including dyspraxia
- poor understanding of language
- limited use of words to communicate
- stuttering
- developmental delay
- poor reading, spelling & writing of stories

“Katrina Walsh is the 2013 Business Woman of the Year”
Literacy Products
Please take the time to have a look at our literacy products, Katrina has helped hundreds of people with their problems many of them children.
Help with reading and spelling gives you back a happy child, who wants to learn and enjoy life.
You could start by taking advantage of our 7 Vital Tips, this is a FREE OFFER to help you understand the steps to help your child learn to read and spell.
Message for parents, No-one else will help your child’s development as much as you. When you see a Speech Pathologist, learn as much as you can, so you can be partners in developing your child’s speech. Katrina Walsh has created an affordable ebook to help you get started.
Katrinas’ reading and spelling program
- Show you how to teach your child
- Give solid practice in phonemic awareness skills
- Give structured step-by-step approach
- Speech development in children
- Make learning fun for your child
- Improve self esteem and confidence to “have a go”
- More info about or Reading / Spelling Program